A harm reduction strategy, BCCS is now offering free fentanyl testing strips through our Syringe Services Program (SSP). The strips test for the presence of the powerful opioid fentanyl in other drugs, which many users are unaware is present until it’s too late. Participants in the pilot fentanyl testing program also complete a survey regarding the findings.
Illicit fentanyl is as much as 50 times more powerful than heroine, and is responsible for a sharp increase in synthetic opioid overdose deaths in the Unites States. Just ¼ of a milligram can be deadly. The BCCS pilot fentanyl testing program aims to reduce the number of drug-related deaths in Delaware. Find Syringe Services Program (SSP) locations→
See “Delaware’s pilot fentanyl testing strip program could save lives” on DelawareOnline.com
See “Drug treatment center in Wilmington to offer fentanyl test strips” on 6ABC.com, and watch the report below.
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