BCCS Supports the First National Night of Conversation Nov. 19th to Engage Families in Drug Addiction Awareness & Prevention

24.6 million people 12 or older (9.4% of the population) live with substance dependence or abuse.

So what can you do on National Night of Conversation, November 19th?

  1. Have a conversation with your family and friends at dinner about drug addiction, and opioids specifically.
  2. Post a picture of an empty dinner plate on social media as a symbol of your support for November 19th National Night of Conversation.
  3. “We are asking people to post a picture of an empty dinner plate, because on this night the conversation is more important than the food,” said TV personality Dr. Oz.

“We have to stop seeing addiction as a moral failing and see it for what it really is, which is a chronic illness we must treat with compassion and urgency. Part of the intention of this report is to change how we talk about addiction,” said Vivek Murthy, M.D., U.S. Surgeon General. “The other intention of this report is to also bring the best possible science together about prevention, treatment, and recovery.”

Related: BCCS Opioid Fact Sheet